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Princess Carmen (Princess Carmen)

Olá! Nos somos a Carmen, o Valdemar, e o Manolo!

Carmen has lived in Lisbon since August 2005, but been engaged in animal rights questions for more than 8 years in several different countries around the world.
At this moment, Little Adorable Valdemar and Manolo Lobo do Mar is living with Carmen.

Enjoy our photos on this site, and please help support the salvation of abandoned cats in and around Lisbon. You can do more than you think!

A good point to start is Visit the site and the asylum, be responsible and help create a better situation for these animals. Have a heart - reach out also, maybe especially, to sick and weak animals. The tears it may cost you, will eventually turn into gold in your heart.

Greetings, beijinhos, and keep up the good work!

Carmen, Valdemar & Manolo

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