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=== GALERIA ===
Selecção do Júri
Últimos 5 dias

Galeria » Gato/Ragdoll »  Diane's Pride (Mamacats)   


Rose giving support and a kiss to Red.............

*Não permite ser avaliada.

» saraleme ( Sara Leme) » [ Europe/Lisbon ] 2007/02/27 13:17
My baby cat also knows what it's like to have her ears cleaned. Che doesn't like it very much... Your cats are adorable!

» buzio ( joana duarte) » [ Europe/Lisbon ] 2006/01/10 20:29
if were my two mix breeds, morgana would made sure that the mimi were well grasped for giving some kicks to her, since thus it was the only form to play without having her "tail kicked". sorry about my poor english.

» Diane's Pride ( Mamacats) » [ Europe/Lisbon ] 2006/01/06 11:23
The boy on my lap is having his ears cleaned and his half sister goes over to give him a kis and assure him it will be finished soon, such a loving breed of cats.

» joanasaramago ( Joana Saramago) » [ Europe/Lisbon ] 2006/01/06 10:33
o que é que está a acontecer aqui? / what's happening here?
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